Roadmap Q&A
What is the purpose of the Health IT Safety Center Roadmap?
The Roadmap outlines specific goals, objectives, and strategies necessary to create a national Health IT Safety Center as discussed and envisioned in previous HHS reports, including the Institute of Medicine’s report on Health IT and Patient Safety, the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA) draft report, and ONC’s Health IT Patient Safety Action and Surveillance Plan..
What is included in the Health IT Safety Center Roadmap?
The Roadmap contains results of inputs gathered on three major considerations: the definition of potential activities that the Center would support, how the Center might be operated and governed to include active participation from both the private and public sectors, and what funding mechanisms would best align with a successful and sustainable Center.
The Roadmap outlines a number of high-priority activities, each of which fall into one or more of the three Center functions: Convening, Research, and Dissemination.
The Roadmap outlines a number of high-priority activities, each of which fall into one or more of the three Center functions: Convening, Research, and Dissemination.
Were there any guidelines provided to the Task Force regarding the activities included in the development of the Roadmap?
Questions regarding scope of the activities proposed can be directed to the Health IT Safety Center Roadmap scoping document, available here.
What factors were considered when developing the proposed operational model?
The operational model is intended to promote transparency, to create collaborative solutions to health IT safety issues, and to establish a mechanism through which lessons learned and best practices may be shared among stakeholders. The proposed model envisions active involvement from both private and public sector representatives and seeks to support sharing and dissemination of work that individual stakeholders are doing to ensure the safety and safe use of health IT.
Why were multiple levels of funding considered in the Roadmap?
Through the input of the task force members, support is recommended for the “optimal” funding model. The report identifies work that can be performed toward the stated objectives in the event that full funding is not available. The lowest funding model is not recommended, as it will struggle to realize the basic objectives of the Center.
The funding model further envisions the possibility that the Health IT Safety Center may become self-sustaining after an initial 5 year period, and will seek to research and establish sufficiency during the start-up and establishment phases.
The funding model further envisions the possibility that the Health IT Safety Center may become self-sustaining after an initial 5 year period, and will seek to research and establish sufficiency during the start-up and establishment phases.